SPRING: Flowers to keep away from your pup!

Spring is in the air, but be mindful that there are a number of flowers which can be toxic to dogs - so keep these plants away from your pups! You may come across these on walks or you may even have these in your home.
Although our canine counterparts are not as susceptible to the toxic effects when compared to cats, many lily varieties are still considered toxic and a risk to keep around your pooch. Symptoms from ingestion may range from face and mouth irritation, vomiting, and diarrhoea.
Often given as a potted gift, all parts of the plant are toxic, with the highest concentration of toxins found within the root. Toxicity from ingestion can range from an upset tummy to heart arrythmias and seizures in severe cases.
These may look bright and beautiful, but they contain naturally occurring Pyrethrins (the compound typically found in insecticides), which after ingestion can cause drooling, a gastrointestinal upset, tremors and seizures.
A frequent addition to bouquets, hydrangeas contain cyanogenic glycosides, which are a chemical group that release cyanide when ingested. In small amounts, there may only be an upset belly, but in severe cases they can cause shortness of breath, collapse and be rapidly fatal.
Tulips can make a beautiful bouquet but should be kept away from our pooch’s interest. Although the bulbs are the most toxic, the flowers may cause excessive salivation, vomiting, diarrhoea and lethargy after they are ingested.
