'AWARD WINNING Luxury dog leads and accessories'

Bourke St the Label was born from a deep adoration of my rescue pup, Chilli.
I work with a number of brands in the Melbourne fashion industry and I was really struggling to find beautiful products that aligned with my style and also felt worthy of my little princess!
So, I began to research and soon discovered that there was a real lack of design-driven, contemporary accessories in the pet space. I quickly cultivated a strong desire to address this - to bring an element of luxury and sophistication to the canine space, to create pieces that are not only functional, but speak to elevated fashion trends and compliment the wardrobe of the pet owner.
So, with my muse by my side, I designed the first collection.
It was a long journey of designing, developing, sampling (again, and again... and again!) but in July 2022, Bourke St the Label was born.
Bourke St went on to win ‘Pet Accessory of the Year’ at the 2022 SHEcom awards later that year. Bourke St also came third for ‘Product of the Year’ across all categories (including womens, kids, baby, mens, pet, food & bev, home) - a hugely proud moment!
I was also a recipient of the Stella Insurance x One Roof Scholarship (for female founded businesses) which has been a fantastic resource.
It was important to me that the brand have a strong ethos to support animals, not cause harm and to give back as best we can. As a brand we are proudly made with vegan leather - we are made for animals, not from. In addition, core to the business are our NFP partnerships. Through our partnership with i=Change, $1 from every order made with us at Bourke St goes to charity. If you have a NFP partnership opportunity you think may align, please feel free to reach out at: hello@bourkestthelabel.com
It has been an honour meeting our beautiful customers and I thank each and every one of you for your support of the brand.
It's been a wild ride and it's just the beginning.
I am beyond excited to be sharing new collections with you and your pooch for years to come.
Sarah (& Chilli)